AS Easy As MVC

Posted by Bruce Hillsworth on June 7, 2019

The Model-View-Controller architecture was initially introduced in 1979, which was well before the proliferation of the internet and applications that are commonplace today. Despite its early introduction, MVC architecture remains the standard by which most programmers develop their applications today. Its continued use and adaptability to the ever-changing technology landscape is a result of its adherence to natural law. Life as whole follows an MVC pattern. Whether its a bartender taking a drink order or a person watching television, we can find MVC at work in almost anything. Even at the highest level, we have the earth and all the scientific laws that govern it. This is analogous to the model aspect of the MVC architecture. Then there would be the controller which is our brain. Or brain interprets the model and renders the view which is the abundance of life we see and encounter daily.