Coding and Life

Posted by Bruce Hillsworth on June 6, 2019

Learning to code is like exercise. Exercise requires commitment, consistent practice, challenging yourself, and fueling with a proper diet. Likewise, coding requires that you commit yourself and practice constantly. Beyond just practice, you also need to push yourself and try new challenges. You may fail but like exercise you will adapt and learn new things along the way. In this analogy, the fuel you use for your body translates to the resources you use to learn new concepts in coding. As in real life, this is the most important factor in progress. The internet provides a plethora of sources but that’s not always a good thing. If your resources are bad, you will not get the maximum return on the time an effort you have put in.

In life, you can let your mistakes consume you or you can learn from them and progress as a person. The same applies to coding. Perfect does not exist. There will always be room for improvement and there will always be a better way. The sooner you accept this and embrace the mistakes the better off you will be. Keep your mistakes DRY though.